Pulitzer Hotels is a Spanish family run-business with hotel experience since 1967; always betting on an exclusive product and business model, the group currently manages 3 properties, two in the city of Barcelona and another one in Paris.
Hand in hand with the Nortia Investor Group, Pulitzer Hotels established an agreement in 2021 for their international expansion and growth with the target of reaching up to 20 hotels under the Pulitzer Hotels brand within the coming years.

Jose Mª de Asís, IT Manager of the group, understands that part of the growth of the Hotel chain must be accompanied by a technological advancements and innovation that speeds up the operational management of its hotels. As a former customer of Micros Fidelio and familiar with Oracle Hospitality tools, Jose Mª contacted Mastel Hospitality to examin the possibility of implementing Opera Cloud and Simphony Cloud in their Hotels. After many months of conversations between both parties and thanks to the confidence of Jose Mª in the Mastel Hospitality team, at the end of 2021 Pulitzer Group and Mastel Hospitality sign the agreement to move forward with the Opera Cloud and Simphony project, the initial scope is for the existing three hotels while all future properties will also benefit of the multiproperty environment and standardisation developed by Mastel Hospitality and the Pulitzer Team.
When you are able to bring together talent, dedication, effort and honesty, the result is always a success; thank you Mastel Hospitality for your support and professionalism, for many more.
Jose Mª De Asís – Director de Sistemas de Información
Currently, Mastel Hospitality has successfully implemented the start-up of these first 3 properties with Opera & Simphony Cloud, including the configuration, training, and support of the installed tools and will continue to be their supplier for the properties that are added to their hotel’s portfolio in the short and medium term.

From Mastel Hospitality we thank the Pulitzer Hotels for the trust placed in us, especially Jose Mª, and we look forward to a long and prosperous journey together.